Anthony Clark

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
anthony martinez
  • Expertise


    Professor Anthony Clark focuses on making autonomous robots more robust and adaptive. In the ARCS Lab, he creates robots with multiple locomotion mechanisms (e.g., wheels and rotors) and simulation methods for developing and optimizing control systems that best leverage such capabilities.

    Research Interests

    • Autonomous systems
    • Computer vision
    • Evolutionary robotics

    Areas of Expertise

    • Robotics
    • Neural networks
    • Evolutionary algorithms
    • Simulation
    • Embedded systems
  • Work

    Comparing CNN Inputs for Terrain Classification Using Simulation
    Anthony J. Clark, Jesse Simpson, and Jared Hall
    IEEE Transdisciplinary AI (TransAI 2019), Laguna Hills, California, USA. Sep 2019

    Evolving Controllers for a Transformable Wheel Mobile Robot
    Anthony J. Clark, Keith A. Cissell, and Jared M. Moore
    Complexity. Dec 2018

    Review: A Web-Based Simulation Viewer for Sharing Evolutionary Robotics Results
    Anthony J. Clark and Jared M. Moore
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2018), Kyoto, Japan. Jul 2018

    Evo-ROS: Integrating Evolution and the Robot Operating System
    Glen A. Simon, Jared M. Moore, Anthony J. Clark, and Philip K. McKinley
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2018), Kyoto, Japan. Jul 2018

    Evolutionary Multiobjective Design of a Flexible Caudal Fin for Robotic Fish
    Anthony J. Clark, Xiaobo Tan, and Philip K. McKinley
    Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. Nov 2015

  • Education

    B.S. in Computer Engineering
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University

    Ph.D. in Computer Science
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University

  • Awards & Honors

    Faculty Excellence in Teaching
    College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Missouri State University, May 2018.

    Outstanding Graduate Student Service Award
    Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University, May 2016.

    Best Paper Award
    Workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Systems
    Matthew J. Rose, Anthony J. Clark, Jared M. Moore, and Philip K. McKinley. Just Keep Swimming: Accounting for Uncertainty in Self-Modeling Aquatic Robots. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Systems, Taormina, Italy, September 2013.

    Best Paper Award
    ALIFE Conference, Behavior and Intelligence Track
    Anthony J. Clark, Jared Moore, Jianxun Wang, Xiaobo Tan, and Philip McKinley. Evolutionary design and experimental validation of a flexible caudal fin for robotic fish. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, pages 325-332, July 2012.